Keeping positive thoughts during a difficult situation can sometimes seem impossible, but it is doable!!!  This I guarantee!!!  It's all choice!!!

One of the best ways to remain positive is to take the time to look for the positives in every situation (I promise they are there).  Fear is what keeps in the negative mindset and when we focus our thoughts and attention on what we don't want that is exactly what we attract in your lives!! When we change the negative to positive we attract more goodness. I've said before you live in the past if you are experiencing fear, begin to live in the present moment. Because right now, you can breathe and think of everything that makes you happy and fulfilled, be grateful for what you have right now!! 

Our thoughts are so powerful, I promise you if you listen to your heart and make choices that feel right to your heart NOT your ego, miracles happen, dreams are fulfilled!!!  I've experienced this over and over and know it to be true.  

If you are a constant worrier, the type of person that beats yourself up inside your head over and over, changing your thoughts to positive ones may take a little bit of work, but I promise it is worth it.!!!

Life is going to throw you obstacles ALWAYS!!! that's what life is all about, it is all about how we handle them.  First and foremost, OWN your own shit, take responsibility for the fact that whatever is in your life you created.  I'll bet if you get honest with yourself, you will find the bullshit happened due to your fear based (EGO) thoughts:  I'm not good enough, I'm a screw up anyway, I'm not lucky, etc.  We are our worst critics!!!  Stop!!!!  Reprogram your thoughts with positive thoughts!!!  Know you are ENOUGH!!!

Be aware of your thoughts, pay attention to what your mind is saying and when you recognize the negativity creeping in, control it and replace it with positive thinking.  No more, I can't, I'll fail, replace with I can do this, I have the power, I am happy!! For you have the right to have anything in life you want, even the bad, so be aware of what is filling your mind.  I promise what you are thinking about right now is what the Universe is preparing to give you!!!  


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