Have you ever wondered if you have made too many poor choices in life to ever get it back on track?  Have you ever stopped looked at your life and said "Holy hell, when did it all fall apart, is it possible to get myself out of this place?  Well, if you have you have probably felt confused, scared, alone and thought, where do i begin?  So many times, life or even one situation can seem so overwhelming that the thought of fixing it, seems to big of a feat for one person and what happens?  We give up AGAIN!! The coolest part of fixing "you", really isn't that hard.  Even though at times, you think to yourself will I ever get back where I knew what I was doing and I felt like I knew what the next step was.  

One of the biggest reason change seems so hard is because of trust.  If you want to learn from the past, learn from your mistakes and move forward--TRUST yourself that you can!!!  

I can remember the time I was hurt to the core by a loved one.  I, too, wondered if things would ever go back to the way it was.  It NEVER did, it only got better.  When the person finally acknowledged the behavior
and began to change, all the anger, hurt, and confusion that we had both felt for so long, immediately started to change.  Now, don't get me wrong, I was still a little gun shy, but knew the trust issues would eventually work themselves out as long as we continued to move forward. The biggest problem I found though, I was so ready to forgive the past and move forward, however the person that hurt me, acknowledged and felt remorseful for what they had done, they had a harder time letting go of what they had done, figuring that the more they kept it as a reminder, the more they beat themselves up, the more they guaranteed they wouldn't do it again.  This kept us both stuck in the past allowing the past mistakes to continue to dictate where we went.  

While figuring out why we make mistakes and learning from them is huge to progression, sitting in them, stops you from putting your new found knowledge to work.  Your bad decisions were a choice.  To fix an ugly situation is easy, make the right choice, listen to your heart, trust that you have the ability to be positive and make the choice that is right instead of sitting in fear, believe in yourself and from now on make the right choices.  

When you focus on what you want in life, ensuring that the choices you make are positive ones you will move forward and others will stand behind you, those that don't support your positive changes will fall away.  Which makes moving forward in a positive light even easier.

You are never too far gone....EVER.  You can get what you want in life (both good and bad) it all depends on your is always up to you!! Practice goodness (even when you don't have to), say thank you, acknowledge people (especially those important in your life), give from your heart always, it makes you feel so good inside and what you give out, you get back!!! When you feel yourself slip back into the thoughts of negativity, immediately reach out with a kind word if even to yourself and bring your thoughts back to what makes you happy.  Remember, being unhappy is a choice!!!


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