WHAT IS YOUR TRUTH?  Your own gut felt truth on issues and people in your life?  Not the opinions of your parents, family, friends or what you learned in childhood---BUT YOUR TRUTH?  How often do you use your voice, knowing that your feelings count. 

Do you know that honesty with yourself (while at times can be painful) is one of the biggest stress relievers in the world.  Because when you lie to yourself YOU WILL lie to others, we like to call these lies, excuses, compassion (I didn't want to hurt feelings), control (hoping to control the outcome of situation) but nonetheless it is a lie and started within.  Give yourself the right to have desires-then give the desires a voice!!  

Trust and belief take action not words.  I've said it before and I will say it again, two words that have NO meaning to me I'm sorry!  Actions speak louder than words.  When I have to say I'm sorry, it is time to take a hard look at myself for there is something inside of me that I didn't trust, that I didn't listen to and the temptation of going against what I know to be right won.  Basically my ego trumped my heart.  

One way of checking in with yourself, is to take inventory of your actions and choices.  Ask yourself the following questions:

1.  DOES THIS FEEL RIGHT??? If your choice will hurt you or others, I promise you no matter how strong the temptation is, the answer to this question is no.

2.  Does the fear of hurting someone cloud my truth?

3.  Does a desire for money, material gain, power or social acceptance cloud my truth?

4.  Will I have to possibly do "damage control" (lie, make excuses, etc) to others?  

5.  Does this decision require me to "blame" others for it, point fingers?

6.  Am I giving up, because I don't believe I can do it?

As long as you allow others to dictate your "truth", you will never be happy. So often we tend to listen to others to fit in, avoid conflict, yet the real reason is we don't trust our own abilities.  If you break promises, make excuses, blame others, hurt others, try to please everyone or lie-you have made a decision from your ego and not your heart.  

Once you find your voice and use it to speak your truth, you will feel love, respect, trust and freedom from within.  Which will make it easier to continue to use your voice.


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