"MY" View on the Afterlife

In recent weeks, I have discussed spirituality with dozens of people.  I find it amazing that so many say the same thing, "I want to believe, but I don't know what or where to begin".  So, I usually give them my ideas and the way spirituality/the afterlife resonates with me.  Please keep in mind, this is MY opinion, my thoughts and my vision of what the afterlife and spirituality is all about.  Some of my views may spark something inside of you and some may have you thinking I'm crazy, however they work for me, and allow me to realize life isn't that hard.  I hope you find some peace or something that helps you to begin to believe if you don't already.  Believing in something is a choice, one that I made to help me figure out it's okay to make mistakes, you won't burn in hell.  You might live in hell for awhile, but you won't be destined to live in it. 

I believe that life (each and every one-YES, I believe in reincarnation) is something we choose, to assist us in experiencing events and feelings.  That is all it is, we as humans make it much bigger than it really is.  We take a physical form to experience and try to reach perfection in certain areas; forgiveness, patience, unconditional love, compassion, etc.

So, let's start at the beginning.  I believe in God, a higher source, to me God exists everywhere, from this higher source, there are souls-we are the souls. These souls also exist everywhere along with God.  In this place, that most call heaven or the afterlife, there is nothing but love and good.  Evil DOES NOT reside here.  

I believe we plan our life and choose our parents, friends, lovers, etc.  We choose our sex, our race, whether we will have a disability and we plan when it will be time to go back home-die.  I believe that the people in your life right now, are the core that go from life to life with you.  

When a soul decides to take a physical form, the soul sends a spirit-a part of the soul equipped with the characteristics, personality, looks, etc. necessary for the experiences down to take a physical body, although the soul remains in heaven. 

It is at this time, that the soul summons its core family, angels, Ascended Masters, and whomever else is needed. They come together at a big table and start to map out their lives, how each one will come into each other's lives, what they will contribute good/bad to your life.  I believe that we map out a clear line from beginning to end on how to learn the lessons we are looking to experience with ease.  

However, since we take a physical body-EGO, we also include detours, routes that keep us stuck, it is during these times, we need to look towards our guardian angels-OUR SOULS for guidance to come back to the road of ease. We will continue to take these detours, until we learn the lesson.  I believe these detours are HELL.  I DO NOT believe in hell in the afterlife, for like I said before evil does not reside in Heaven!!!  Hell is self-created by our inability to stay true to our soul.  When we are living in ego we are in hell. When we are finished with "our" journey-because we cannot live for another or change another-only influence, we will leave this life and reunite with our soul.  

Once we return to our soul, we do a life review and all the questions you have now will be revealed to you.  You will be able to see how your actions, words, thoughts influenced others both negatively and positively.  An example would be the young boy you stood up for in grade school when others teased/bullied him.  You will be able to see how that one random act of kindness changed his life, whereas in your physical body you may never know.  You will also be able to see how when you were cruel to someone even by just calling them names the ripple effect that has as well.  The cool thing for me is that believing your soul is still in heaven, means you are ALWAYS with your loved ones, even if they leave this physical world. 

So to me it is very important to stay true to your soul, call on it often for guidance in trying times. Remember don't take yourself or life to seriously, it is all about learning.  Stay grateful and live in appreciation for as long as you live in the positive you attract positive. 

This is my view in a nutshell!!!  I find the afterlife so intriguing.  


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