Wow!! My heart is filled with gratitude, love, and humbleness.  I truly love you with all of my heart.  You see, someone very special in my life spoke up today on my behalf when silence would have been easier. 

I have always been the type of person to speak up and fight for others, especially my family and friends.  Many times it has put me in uncomfortable confrontations (yes believe it or not I don't like confrontations anymore than the next person).  But there is this uncontrollable part of me that when I see or hear someone being cruel or unfair to my family/friends, my mind shuts down and my mouth takes over.  I will fight for what I believe in and I BELIEVE in my family and friends~even if that means I fight alone!!  Often, I walk away feeling stronger and other times I feel afraid.  However, I still stand up for what I believe to be right.  I don't like to see those I love hurt, betrayed, put down or pushed around.  I remember in the seventh grade confronting the bully that was pushing my sister around.  I remember when I was 21 standing up to three girls alone that had been saying degrading things about my friend.  I remember hunting down a man that thought my sister's face was his personal punching bag.  I remember standing my ground countless times during my career, each time knowing I would pay a consequence, but yet never backing down.  I've walked away with scratches, bruises, pulled hair, and even had a few people (okay more than a few) begin to talk poorly about me.  But I would do it all over again and will continue to stand up for my loved ones!!

Within the last 24 hours, I watched two people in my life stand up for me.  I know my friends/family love me and I know they would in return do anything for me, but to see and hear it in action, knowing that neither had too, fills my heart with such love.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me!!!!  Remember if you want to lift up your spirits=lift up someone else. 


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