Well it looks like it is that time for me.  That time in life when a child leaves your home and embarks on a journey all their own.  I knew this day would come the first time I saw her beautiful perfect face.  I knew soon she would be on her own creating the life she wanted.  I NEVER thought the years would fly by. 

~Wise parents teach their children to get along without them~

While I am going to miss her presence, it provides me with new opportunities to find myself, take care of just me and continue to grow.  It allows me to watch all of what I have taught her put into action.  It allows me to see the places that I stumbled in parenting (those will be the things she insists will not be a part of her life anymore~good for her!!).  It will allow her to trust more and more in herself.  I am so happy for her and so at peace with her decision.  I am also proud of myself that I didn't allow my fears and my selfishness to spill over to her.  Everyone has their own shit they are dealing with and they surely don't need to carry other's loads.  I am in complete support of her decisions because I believe in everything she is!!!!

Moving away from your parents is natural, it's a part of life.  The way it is handled I believe has a great affect on the outcome.  I sat with this concept of my baby leaving for a few weeks before the actual date.  Thought of everything I wanted to say, how much I was going to miss her, how much I wanted her to stay my little girl and never leave, how different everything was going to be.  And then, thank God the light bulb went off and I realized that all of my thoughts were ever so selfish.  I was looking at this wonderful time in her life through my selfish eyes and wanted her to stay to fill my needs.  It was then that I understood this is a happy time, a time to celebrate, a time for excitement.  A time for well wishes!!  She has every right to experience everything I've been fortunate enough to experience in my life.  The first time moving out, a new house with no furniture but you couldn't be happier when you look around and know it's all yours.  Marriage, children, memories and traditions created the way you want to create them.  The sink full of dishes that you DON'T have to do if you don't want to, because the rules are yours. INDEPENDENCE!!!  Is she ready?  Well of course or she would have never packed the first item and I wouldn't be writing this.  Will she struggle?  Of course, that is part of the growing and learning process of life.  Will she succeed? ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT IN MY MIND. 


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