Do you look to society and family/friends to define who you are?  Do you yearn so much to "fit" in (regardless if that is in your career, your circle of friends, your family, society)?  Do you care about what others will think of you? Do you have to keep up with the Jones'?  (for you young readers that simply means comparison to another as a benchmark for material goods?).  Do you have to out do others?  Do you lie?  Do you hurt others in order to get what you want?  Do you use people?  Do you push loved ones away to ease your guilty conscience? Do you try hard to impress everyone?  Do you blame others for your choices?  Are you materialistic?  Do you judge people on what they look like and how many toys they have?  Do you feel sorry for yourself?  Do you make excuses?  Are you stuck in the past?  Do you play games? Do you mistreat people?  Do you pick and choose when people are convenient to fit into your life?  Are you selfish?  Are you all about YOU? 

Do you appreciate the opinions of others, yet realize that is their view of the situation?  Do you march to your own drum?  Do you "check" yourself often, making sure that you are remaining positive and loving?  Do you live within your means?  Do you give to others? Are you HONEST?  Do you speak up for yourself?  Do you defend your loved ones?  Are you grateful for what others do for you and show it always?  Do you love with every ounce of your being?  Do you treat people with respect?  Do you forgive?  Do you say "I'm sorry?"  Do you help others?  Do you love someone for who they are inside?  Would you pick a loved one over a possession?  Do you cry?  Do you take responsibility for your actions?  Do you look forward to your future?  Do you treat others as you would want to be treated?  Do you take other people's feelings into account before proceeding?  Do you include people?  Do you appreciate what others do?  Do you say thank you?  Do you say I love you even when you're hurt?



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