When you make a choice.................there is always a consequence!!! So of course, it is important to think before making an important decision.  This is true in all aspects of your that red light, your consequence could be a speeding ticket-(is it worth it)?  Step on and use people to get to the top?  You will pay for that as well.  We are all free to make decisions (and usually important ones are made from an emotional state of mind) depression, sadness, fear, etc., even happiness, joy, excitement.  Usually when this type of decision is made, it never seems to work out the way you planned.  Wow, the purchase of that new car seemed just like the thing to make me happy, that promotion at work that I didn't deserve but used the backs of others to get, is definitely going to finance my new lifestyle.  Basically Karma-when you make decisions from a negative or self-serving state of mind, you receive negative consequences, sooner or later.  You may control the decision/choice-but you will never control the consequence.  Sort of like when you were little, touch the stove - what happens?  You're going to get burned. 
Life is made of up of many people, not just you, your choices have a ripple effect.  Sometimes, hours, days, months even years, you feel the pain of your consequence.  Now there are definitely choices out there that have positive outcomes, but as of late, I've watched many people make choices and are now dealing with the consequences of their self serving decision.
When you make positive choices in life be sure you trust in yourself, ask for outside guidance from other positive people, talk to your spouse or someone else that you know has your true best interest at heart - (not their own), DO NOT allow fear to steer your choice, weigh the pros and cons (look at all the consequences that could come from this decision) ? 
So when making a decision..................Consider what there is for you to lose?  Is it worth it? 


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