Live in the past=depression
Live in the future=anxiousness

What does it mean to let go of the past and live in the present?  It means changing your way of thinking.  Who you were in the past, the mistakes you made, the way you were treated DO NOT have to decide your "now".  Some think the past dictates the future...........this is so very true if this is the way you believe.  However, if you view the past as "lessons learned", it will empower your present life and assist you in creating the life each minute of each day that you desire. 

It's like school, maybe in the third grade you couldn't grasp the concept of multiplication.  You pretty much sucked at it and never pulled good grades in this subject.  Well, fourth grade comes around....are you going to continue to believe you suck at math and pretty much give up figuring your past dictates your life.........No, you have moved past third grade and this year is new, which means you have grown and you are different. You continue to work, continue to try and the next thing you know you have mastered multiplication and are onto division.  Easy as that.

Living in the past, allowing the negative to swirl in your head is something many people do, figuring if they keep the past and hurt that goes along with it, alive in their mind, they will be able to stop it from happening again.  Oh, so wrong, if you do this it is a definite that the bad will continue in your life.  Why?  Because you believe that is what you are deserving of, that is the best time, to forgive yourself, let yourself off the hook, look at right now, where you are at, what you have and be grateful that the past is just that the past.  Each minute you can make that decision that life is grand and that it will continue to be great.  Sure there will be obstacles, but the past has made you stronger to get up and over them, no longer do you need to sit and stew in them, because you don't live in the past you have learned from the past.

Allow your past regardless of good or bad to be your motivator today!  Seize the moment live in the NOW, for my friend it is all you have right now.  You can't change the past and you are not guaranteed the future.  So don't miss all the beauty that is in front of you!!!

Live for NOW!!



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