Karma-I know I've talked about this before, however, I feel it swirling in the air!!!

WARNING: Remember that Karma does indeed exist. Those people who deny it are in fact escaping from the reality; maybe to get peace of mind after hurting others around them.

So what is Karma? it is the cumulative positive or negative result from your thoughts, actions, and reality creating as that result affects your present reality. 

What creates Karma?  Here are a few choices if made will DEFINITELY create negative Karma.

  • murder, even if you are not caught, unless it's in self defense
  • stealing, know matter how you justify it, this includes not paying your debts.
  • telling a lie that hurts someone else in any way, even if you are not caught and even if you believe your own lie
  • intentionally hurting someone in any way, revenge, doing something for yourself knowing you are betraying someone else while taking care of you!
  • not doing the "right thing," subsequently causing someone else to suffer in any way; emotionally or physically
  • resenting someone; your anger may cause you to be confronted with similar circumstances in the future until you learn to forgive and if applicable, take responsibility for your part of the conflict
  • incurring addiction, if it hurts you or anyone around you
  • disrespecting yourself to the point of personal harm (such as being a martyr); while you can gain good karma by helping others through martyrdom, but you still may have to balance a lack of self-respect
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    A karmic experience allows you to reflect and correct your mistakes.

    So remember, when you are in a place of frustration; the way you choose to handle it, is a reflection of your true character.  Are you a runner, shady in your actions, mean, selfish, a martyr?  Or are you a man/woman of your word, honest, kind, loving, giving?   Always keep in mind that karma is cause and effect and just because people don't catch you in your bad choices.......or in your good choices.....karma is always with you whether good or bad and you will not be able to avoid it.  So keep yourself honest, loving and respectful.

    I have read there is a seven year gap between some karma effect.  Meaning whoever you are today.......a cheater, a liar, a thief, giving, honest, caring, loving. etc.  If you don't recognize it and change it,  you will continue to "sow" this way for seven years and then for the next following seven years you will "reap" all of the pain and hurt you caused others OR reap the benefits from doing what is right.

    So if you yearn to stay in the positive karma action, be true, loving, giving, grateful, honest and keep your chakra's clear!!  Always strive to be a better you!! Never stoop to someone else's level!!


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