Do YOU believe in YOU?  Or do you find yourself believing in what other's think of you?  Finding that you have taken other's opinions and defined yourself.  Do you believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to?  Do you realize that you limit yourself when you put your self worth in the hands of others?

How much do you care what other's think?  Do you wear the right clothes?  Drive the right car?  Have the right job?  Make enough money?  Are you the right height? The right age? The right weight?  Do you know that other's opinions of you stifle you instead of fulfill you?  Do you realize that when you place emphasis in your life on what other's think, you freely give your power away?  How do you take it back?  How do you own who you are?  SELF LOVE, SELF BELIEF, AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.  Your happiness and sadness are not because of others, they are because of you. 

You see when you allow other's to define who you are, it's easy to find excuses for your unhappiness.  If only they would see your greatness, then you could rise to that greatness.  If they like my clothes, my car, my job, then that makes me special.  If you would realize that what is inside of you is what makes you special, nothing else would matter.  They would become what they are.............material.  You see I don't remember what you were wearing last week, nor do I really care, but I do remember the way you made me feel when you were kind and thoughtful.  I don't remember what kind of car you drive, because again, it doesn't matter to me (it isn't mine), but I do remember how you made me feel when your material world clouded your judgment and you were mean to me.  

When you live for yourself, saying and doing what is right, knowing it is right inside of you, regardless what other's think, you believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.  You will soar and become what YOU want to become living life for you.    When you live for others, you will constantly chase happiness.............................because what makes me happy doesn't make you happy.  Find your own inner happiness, believe in it and live it to the fullest.

Start right now......................................BELIEVING IN YOU!!!


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