.......We have like opinions, unlike opinions and we respect all that and still get along.  We help each other without judgments........... from one of my dearest friends.

When you have that kind of friendship, the kind that continues through the good and the bad.  The kind that can withstand the test of time, you realize how lucky you really are.  It is so easy to take people for granted.  Real friends take and give never keeping score, just knowing when it is their turn to give and their turn to receive.

You are right my dear friend, friends DO NOT make you feel guilty about feeling responsible for those who treat you poorly.  Friends uplift you, they are the ones that know you better than even yourself at times.  They are the ones that help you see things that cloud your vision and they are there to celebrate the good times with you.  Constantly cheering you on.  You know how you can watch a soap opera, miss it for several days and then in the next episode within five minutes you are caught up on everything going on?  Good friends are just like that.  I am blessed to have the friends I have in my life.  They definitely bring me happiness.  Their text of hey what's up or our lengthy phone calls or our girls nights out are something I look forward to.  One of the biggest commonality that my friends possess............................respect!!!  We respect each other and all that is the other person.  This trait is what makes it easy for us to still get along with such different opinions, wants and desires.

I love each and every one of the people I call my friend!!!! :)


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