Do you live outside of yourself?  Do you allow your ego to guide your life.  Are material possessions, your looks, what others think more important than your true nature of loving and giving.  Do you hurt others or disregard them for your own gain?  Do you need proof of your worth by having something tangible in your hand or does your self worth come from inside?  If so, you may be living outside of yourself.
“When you start to live outside yourself, it's all dangerous.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Too many of us strive to impress others, with the false belief that someone else's opinion of us is what makes us who we are.  When we get to this type of believing we have allowed ourselves to compare.  AND what does comparing tell the universe?  That we are lacking.  It moves us away from gratitude and we rob ourselves of the joy that is ours in this present moment.  Believing you can obtain happiness by "living up" or "being like someone else" is a false belief.  You can admire traits, characteristics and strengths in others and place those admirable giving loving traits in your own life, however admiring someones wealth and possessions is something that you will chase for a lifetime. If you place your happiness on material possessions, happiness will always elude you. 
Living within means to live from your heart, your soul, your spirit, where you always have enough and are always worthy of everything in the world.  Being seated within, allows you to be rich even with a penny in your pocket.  When you feel love in your soul, you attract more love.  When you feel abundance in your heart, abundance shows up throughout your life. 
So remember the next time you find yourself mistreating those around you, you are probably mistreating yourself as well.  You will continue to live unhappy, frustrated and worse of all, this whole time you will be shoveling more negativity on your karma pile.  It is important to stop and move within, allowing your heart to fill you with love and then allowing the love to spill over to others.
Remember............................forgiving is the first step to allowing.


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