
Showing posts from July, 2013


Hmmmm.  Just a thought.............One of the most impressive qualities in a person -INTEGRITY!! Definition:  the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.   This means doing what is right, even if it means others don't agree.  It means being true to your word.  It means being kind and treating others with love and respect.  Can you say you're sorry when you're wrong?  How to know if you possess this impressive quality.........your actions!!!!  Are your actions positive and something you are proud of?  Or are they something you try to defend by blaming others?   Check yourself. 


This is for know who you are........  An automatic writing!!  The message is yours! As the world changes around you, you feel a sense of confusion.  You feel as though there are so many directions to choose, so many people pointing in different directions.  You take the first step then another on the third step you wonder if this the route for you.  You quickly retreat and another points to a different direction, wow it looks appealing at first glance and anxiously you begin down that road, quickly realizing this isn't what you were looking for either.  Once again you find yourself stuck and unsure of where to go.  Should you stay should you go.  The confusion begins to overwhelm and decide to stay where you are at it is safer, quietly waiting for another to come and point another direction.  You feel a sense of sadness, a sense of anxiety and you believe if you stand still no one will see you and maybe this period of uncer...


To all of my angels past and present  I am in awe of your love!!     Angels.........................are everywhere!!! Even in human form! I am very fortunate to have been surrounded by human angels my entire life.  Though I didn't realize it until I was much older I am grateful every day.  The more gratitude I have the more I see them.  Do you know the difference between a human soul on this earth to learn and a human form on this earth to help?  Can you spot the angels around you?  My angels exhibit the following qualities:  they are the ones that have unconditional love! The ones that want your heart not your money, for material possessions do not impress them.  They  are the ones that route you on.  They are the ear that listens and the arms that allow you to fall apart providing safety.  They are the ones that think you are a million bucks even when you act like you're worth nothing.  T...


Do you believe?????  It is amazing how in the blink of an eye, miracles happen and your entire life changes.  To my sweet daughter...........MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!!  Together we shared and witnessed an unbelievable miracle today.   As I allow it to play out in my mind, I am humbled and even more convinced that strong belief and trust allows one to create anything in their life.  If there is one thing I am even more sure of now, Lonee is guided through this life by angels.  When she allows.... AMAZING things happen....................Miracles happen.    So how does she create them?  She loves from her heart, she cares about others and their feelings, she believes that life is about love, kindness and respect and she provides that to everyone.  She basically lives what she believes, therefore her karma comes back two-fold in amazing ways.    I love you Lon........and am amazed by your abilities each and every day.  I st...




.......We have like opinions, unlike opinions and we respect all that and still get along.  We help each other without judgments........... from one of my dearest friends. When you have that kind of friendship, the kind that continues through the good and the bad.  The kind that can withstand the test of time, you realize how lucky you really are.  It is so easy to take people for granted.  Real friends take and give never keeping score, just knowing when it is their turn to give and their turn to receive. You are right my dear friend, friends DO NOT make you feel guilty about feeling responsible for those who treat you poorly.  Friends uplift you, they are the ones that know you better than even yourself at times.  They are the ones that help you see things that cloud your vision and they are there to celebrate the good times with you.  Constantly cheering you on.  You know how you can watch a soap opera, miss it for several days and th...


    Do you live outside of yourself?  Do you allow your ego to guide your life.  Are material possessions, your looks, what others think more important than your true nature of loving and giving.  Do you hurt others or disregard them for your own gain?  Do you need proof of your worth by having something tangible in your hand or does your self worth come from inside?  If so, you may be living outside of yourself.   “When you start to live outside yourself, it's all dangerous.” ― Ernest Hemingway   Too many of us strive to impress others, with the false belief that someone else's opinion of us is what makes us who we are.  When we get to this type of believing we have allowed ourselves to compare.  AND what does comparing tell the universe?  That we are lacking.  It moves us away from gratitude and we rob ourselves of the joy that is ours in this present moment.  Believing you can obtain happiness...


DO YOU ALLOW YOUR LIFE TO HAPPEN OR DO YOU FIGHT AND RESIST IT?  Do you have trust and belief that life is unfolding just the way it should or do you fight it?  Do you get angry with others because they don't act the way you think they should?  If you find yourself angry, depressed or frustrated, you very easily could be trying to force life!!!!   Understand that life is merely a classroom and you are a student that is constantly learning.  You are learning every minute of the day how to allow life to happen, how to appreciate everything in it, even the tough parts.  Allowing others to be who they are, learning and loving them along the way.  Often our ego gets in the way and we feel we are entitled.  We feel we have the power to make others or circumstances work out the way we think they should and we force and work against life.  Therefore, bringing us more heartache and frustration.  It is when we allow others to le...

