What Does Your Mirror Say????

Why do we allow others to step on us?  Hurt our feelings?  Make us feel inferior?  Conform?  Say yes when we mean no?
 "You teach people how to treat you by
what you allow, what you stop,
and what you reinforce."
Low self-esteem, a yearning desire to be loved or accepted, lacking self-worth, fear, etc. etc.  Whatever the reason, you and you alone have the ability to change it.  It's kind of like a parent with a child, if you allow your kids to run amok and don't put down any boundaries, they will believe they can always act like little shits.  When you finally try to grab hold and put down rules, it will be an uphill battle.  Same is true in relationships and friendships.  If you allow people to take from you they will continue to use you until there is nothing left to use.  It is usually at this point that we get angry at the other person.  We are able to find all of their faults and become the victim of their horrible actions.  Yet, in most cases, we find ourselves in the same boat AGAIN.  It's at this time that you need to look at what truly upsets you and then look inside, there is probably a very good chance that how someone is treating you that just pisses you off, is exactly the same thing you are doing to someone else. 
While I believe we teach others how to treat us, I also believe that the things that infuriate us with others are mirror images of ourselves.  When the actions of a loved one, or a friend makes you mad, take a look at yourself, more often than not, their actions are traits that we have in ourselves that we don't like.  If someone only calls you when they want something or want to hang out because they have nobody else, ask yourself how often do you do the same thing?  I'll bet you do!!!!  Remember karma is a bitch when it is packed with negative energy.  When you are fixated on being nothing but a victim, it is very easy to overlook your downfalls. 
Take back your power, by looking deep in yourself and knowing you are worth being treated with respect and love------AND BELIEVING it, you will then be able to treat yourself and others as you want to be treated. 


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