"The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it."

A relationship is made up of more than just one person..both must be willing to give, to receive and to work on making the relationship work.  We are all unique, there isn't another one like you. Which is actually a wonderful thing. Life would become pretty dull if we were all the same.  I love the idea that I am surrounded by others that have strengths and talents that I lack.  This provides me the ability to learn and grow.

Sometimes meshing the two unique beings can be a challenge, yet when you are committed, the challenges in life are what can actually bring you closer together.  The common thread I hear when two are trying to make it through a tough time, is "EGO".  Hmmmm, interesting I have been writing about ego a lot lately, maybe there is something in the air that tells us to keep our ego in check :).  Communication is always the key.  Don't look to blame the other, but stay in the moment and take responsibility for your feelings and express how things make you feel.  Blame allows for defensive tactics, which can take a small dispute to a blow-out in no time.  For some reason we tend to try to compete with the other, to try to make our point heard, seen and usually just to "win".  However, when we try to "stand" up for ourselves in a negative way, we usually end up hurting the other person, cruel words, the cold shoulder, etc.  It's funny that we say we don't want anyone to ever hurt those that we love, yet we continue to do it when we are trying to get the upper hand or our point across.  Sometimes, just being quiet is the biggest win you will ever experience. 

Always remember you are both striving for the same thing, a healthy, loving, committed relationship, sure there are going to be disagreements, disappointments, and frustration, but just remember to treat the other person as you would want to be treated.  I know for a fact that I continue to frustrate and disappoint those around me, for I am human I make mistakes, but I always try to keep them in my mind, keep the love I have for them in the forefront, so that the frustration and disappointment doesn't have to be so hard to deal with or get over.  AND, I am always willing to re-look at something and talk it through with an open mind, 99% of the time I end up learning something about me!!

Be a positive and active part of the relationship!!!


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