I was asked to write on motivation.  Hmmmm.
Motivation is a psychological feature that calls a person to action. It is a type of inspiration, inducement or incentive that drives a person forward.

But getting motivated can be extremely difficult and the more you try to motivate yourself and then end up back on the couch watching T.V. the harder it is the next time to motivate.  Been there, done that, watched as the laundry piled up, or the dishes, etc.  Motivation is a mind set and how often do we allow ourselves to let the chitter chatter get in the way and distract us from what we need to do.  Sometimes, this causes stress because if you're anything like me, motivation doesn't kick in until the last second and then you are rushing to get things done, you feel overwhelmed and slightly guilty, because you know that you could have avoided the stress had you got up off your lazy butt. 

I know a lot of you are smiling, because you too, do the same thing.  I found that if I allow myself to take responsibility for taking that extra five, ten minutes (sometimes days) to motivate and get things done, I can also allow myself to let go of the guilt feeling and move forward with positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts will motivate you or at least begin the process.

To my sweet friend, write down all that you want to do, prioritize, put time limits next to each and commit to the first one on your list.  After you feel the accomplishment of the first, you will be excited for the rest.  Also, pencil in time for yourself and your friends as you need both. 

Also, last but not least, contact me as you are in need of clearing out other areas in your life and together we can do this!!! :)  I love you!!!!!


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