“Be more concerned with your character than your possessions, because your character is what you really are, while your possessions are merely what others think you are.”

Are you all about show?  All about what others think of you?  Do you work really hard at having all the nicest things, looking your best, spending all your money and time on you?  Does your ego inflate every time someone compliments your "material" possessions?  Do you feel a "little better than others"?  Do you dream about having it all?  Do you count your worth based on what you have?  Do you always think you can have better?  Does it make you feel special, loved? Or does it make you feel envied and shallow? 

Now don't get me wrong, nice things are wonderful and everyone deserves the BEST.  However, I found in the past couple of weeks there are two different types of people.  Those that I spoke about above and those that I admire the hell out of...............the kind of person that is strong in their beliefs, shows their love to everyone, because they know the true gift in life is giving.  Those that work really hard at keeping their word, knowing who they are and realizing people who matter, love them for who they are on the inside and don't give a damn what they drive or where they live or what they have.  Those that dream about making their family and friends the most important thing in their life.  Those that feel "better" is when they see the smiles that their spirit gives others.

I have people in my life that give to me daily.........just by loving me.  I watch in amazement at those that walk through life making themselves happy, yet all along making those around them happy.  I watch and listen as I hear others rave on and on about these people, how much they respect them for their dedication, their honesty, their character, their strength, their outlook.  Never once do I hear the rant about what they own.  I even find when I am raving about these people in my life, every word is a description of who they are not what they have. 

When we die, we will be remembered for who we were, how we treated people, how we loved.  I have yet to go to a funeral where the talk was about a deceased person's possessions, only about their character. 

Which one are you?


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