~In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends.~

True friendship-ONE OF THE GREATEST GIFTS in life.  But what is a true friend?  Do you know the difference between a true friend and a person looking for someone to hang out with?  Are you a true friend? 

I look around at my friends, my close knit group of friends and realize some I talk to often, others seldom, and with a couple, it could be months before we connect.  All of them are different, some married, some single, some with kids, some with grand kids, yet the one thing that they all possess, the great quality of loyalty and love.  I wouldn't trade my friends for anything in this world.  I have friends that have been a part of my life since I was young and I have friends that have been a part of my life for a few years.  It's not the length of time a person is in your life that makes them a friend, it is about how they treat you that makes them a friend.

When I look back at people in my life that I once called friends and are no longer a part of my life, I know that they were not true friends but people who brought about lessons in my life.  I have experienced friends that I haven't talked to in years and out of the blue send me a text or a call with nothing more than..........Thinking of you!!  I have also had my fair share of friends who liked me when it was convenient for them, when I had something to offer, when they were bored and couldn't find anyone else, when I had something "new" they wanted to try out, when they thought I could help them get further.  I tried very hard to make myself believe that these people "liked" me, that they truly had my best interest at heart.  But the more I looked at exactly what they were after, I realized the only interest they had was their own.

NEVER become a doormat for someone, no matter how much they profess their loyalty and friendship to you, a TRUE friend doesn't hurt you, they don't use you, they listen to you, they love you, they encourage you, they respect you.  A true friend would never put you in a position to choose between them and another, would never put down anything you love or are passionate about, a true friend may not like the same things you do, but will always encourage you NO MATTER WHAT.  A true friend doesn't become jealous, but is as excited as you are for your accomplishments.  A true friend is proud you are their friend, not because of what you look like or what you have materially, but because of who you are on the inside. 

You can not make a person become a "good friend" for you, but you can determine who is healthy in your life and who isn't, be appreciative to those that aren't and move them to the side. 

One true friend is better than a thousand so called "friends"!!


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