Karma........once again seems to swirl around so many right now as the year draws to an end.  Why?  Because life is nothing more than numerous lessons we learn.  When a lesson is learned, a new one forms and we continue the process.  Karma is our reminder that we need to tweak something about ourselves, our reaction, our thoughts, our inner emotions OR a sweet reminder that we got it!!!

I have watched over the past couple of weeks as many around me struggle with the "why" does this keep happening, why do I have to go through this again?  The lesson will continue to appear until you no longer need it.  Look at it as a blessing, for once you do, it is easier to see either the hidden lesson or the one that has been staring you in the face.  Take responsibility for your part, be grateful you learned and release. 

Remember YOU are responsible for filling up your karmic bucket.  Treat people how you want to be treated.  Speak of others with kindness and respect.  Trust in yourself and ALWAYS strive to do what is right rather than what everyone else is doing.  I have the utmost respect for those that "stick up" for others, that see the under dog as the one to help rather than the one to bully.  Always be that bigger person, for one day you may need and want someone to be there for you!!


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