You will continue to repeat a lesson until it is learned.  hmmmmmmmm.  This can be a very tiring sentence, especially if the lesson is ugly or scary.  So how do we find a way to learn our lessons quickly and once and for all? 

You must take responsibility for your part of the lesson.   So often people look to blame others allowing themselves to play the victim.  This way of thinking keeps you stuck.  It allows the lesson to repeat itself again and again.  Once you take the responsibility that is yours you will find an entirely different way to look at the situation, allowing yourself to learn from it and then ultimately release it.  It really is that simple.

So many have a hard time seeing their own participation in something, because it is so easy to justify your actions ~ either done out of love, wanting the best for someone, etc.  I've written about my lessons learned with my daughter often.  My justification was love-my reality was control.  Once I took ownership of my actions, I was able to release and watch the beauty of her independence and marvel at how high she could soar all on her own.  I took responsibility for all the times I thought I was helping, but really being nothing but an additional weight she tried to shake loose (yes I can be very persistent).

Take your responsibility and leave the rest.  It will make the next lesson and the next easier to spot, learn and release.  Because really that is the reason we are here.  BE EAGER AND OPEN TO LEARN!!!


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