
As I look back at this year, there have been so many friends who have lost loved ones.  I've watched as they struggle to find meaning, at times literally wanting to give up, at times things seem to get better and then next thing they know they feel like they have taken 10 steps backwards.  Many have reached out to me and I hope that I have helped.  As we speak, one of my daughter's friends reached out to me and I wanted to share with all of you what I told her about my insight into death.

 " It eventually happens to everyone and as far as I am concerned if life is looked at in the right way, death is actually a wonderful thing. We don't grieve for the dead, we grieve for ourselves, which I can tell you isn't what our loved ones that have passed want us to do. They want us to remember them for the joy they brought to us and they want us to use that joy to keep them alive, by passing it on to others. We all come to this earth with a purpose and reason. Everything in our lives happen for a reason, at times we see it clearly and quickly and other times we never really "get" it. Part of our journey is not to take life so seriously, because it does and can end abruptly. We are here to learn to better ourselves each and every day. To learn from others experiences and to appreciate the good and the bad that people bring to our lives and the obstacles that we face every day.  I also believe that our time to depart from this earth is something we agree upon before we come down. Death is a part of life, regardless of your age.  We, as survivors must learn to use the love and appreciation of the deceased to enhance our progression through life.  Your friend had a job to do down here and he fulfilled that job, and it was time to go back home. He is far better off than you or I and he is currently preparing to come down again (yes I firmly 100% believe in reincarnation). Spirit is all around us at all times, watching over us, listening to us and waiting for us to call on them."

I am honored to those that have trusted me and allowed me into such a painful part of their lives.  I would love to hear other's thoughts on this subject whether by post on this blog or privately by email.

Remember do not dwell on the past for it is gone, but allow your deceased loved ones to live every moment of every day in your heart and therefore they're really never gone. 



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