Look at the past year and all you have been through, whether you created it or it was put in front of you?  Do you see a pattern?  This has been a year of obstacles for many.  What does it mean for you?  Did you learn your lesson?  Were you finally able to put that lesson away knowing that you conquered it this time? 

I find that many things reared their heads again this past year, sparking new feelings and intensifying old feelings.  BUT this time instead of thinking "why me"  I asked "why again?"  It was then I realized because I was lacking..  Lacking in trust, faith and belief in myself.  I have moved through so much in the past year and I KNOW that the lessons that continued to pop up are lessons learned.  This is a time to reflect on the past and give thanks to the lessons that have shaped your life.  It is a wonderful time to self-reflect, find your lesson in the circumstance and allow it to stay in the past.  For the future is everything you want to be, there is no need to carry any unwanted "crap" from the past to the future. 

Take the next few months to dream big about your future and take the steps to move forward, you will be happy you did. But again remember you are deserving and truly believe!


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