Well as I sit here and write tonight, I have a lot to be thankful for.........Earlier today my daughter was involved in an accident, she called told me she was fine and I went to pick her up.  When I saw the car, my heart stopped.  She was on the freeway blew a tire and hit a cement barrier.  Her car looks horrible, yet she walked away with seat belt and airbag marks is all.  A coincidence?  Lucky?  Call it what you will, I call it a miracle.  Angels watched over her as she crossed three lanes of travel, spun, slammed the driver's side into a barrier, spun again and came to rest.  I thank the angels that were with her, I thank the two women that stopped to assist her and I thank God that as I write this it is with a heart of gratitude, rather than a heart of sorrow. 

What have I learned?  Life is short!  You never know when it will be the last day you see someone you love.  Live it to the fullest.  Realize that the "stuff" in your life is just that "stuff".  I don't blink an eye at getting another car, but never could I replace her.  No longer will I take those around me for granted, I will live in the moment.  No more will I worry about others and what they have and what I don't.  I will focus on what I have and give thanks for the true miracles and love that currently surrounds me.  I don't need anything else.  The love that my daughter exudes, the goodness that is her, makes me realize that I am the luckiest mother EVER!  She loves with every ounce of her being.  She wants for nothing but the best for everyone around her, even if that means she gives up to give to others.  She is truly a miracle in my life.  I know in my heart that she is an angel herself and with that knowledge I learn and appreciate. 

Ask yourself, do you learn the lessons from others?  Do you appreciate as you should?  Do you take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, realizing all that matters in life are your loved ones?  Don't take another day or another loved one for granted.  I love you my sweet girl.  Thank you for teaching me!


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