
What you sow you shall reap!!  I wrote about this in March......seems like it needs to be re-read!!!!!  Karma is inevitable, both good and bad.  Two things to remember: 

1.  It happened for a reason...........either you failed to learn the lesson OR positive karma, you learned and YAY for you.
2. when karma comes calling in a negative way are you being open to the lesson in front of you and are you taking responsibility for your part?  If not, you will repeat this AGAIN.

Do you want to end negative karma?  Start learning, instead of being selfish. The more negative thoughts, words and actions you use towards others and yourself, the more negativity will plague your life.  Stop and look at ONLY the positive, i.e. "I hate my job" - at least you have one, many don't.  "My spouse pisses me off" - but they love you.  You get the picture.  The more you choose to think about wanting something different/something more and you step on people to get it........the longer you will suffer (by your own doing).  I don't have millions, I don't have the best job, I don't have all the toys in the world, but I am surrounded by love and wonderful friends and family what more could I ask for.  The more I live life this the more comes into my life.  Life isn't about what you acquire, it is how you act and think. 

I watch as people around me continue to repeat negative thoughts, actions and words, I shake my head as the universe prepares to hand them pain again.............they on the other hand cry and wonder why me?  Self-pity is a sure sign you need to change something about YOU. 


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