
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Past

The past is exactly how you remember and the way to free yourself of past hurt is to find the positives of the past and make those your memories. I choose to remember nothing but the good. Therefore there are no regrets. I take responsibility for ONLY my actions and set in motion the ability to change my actions. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful memories. Choose to live do what is and what will be not for what didn't happen.  

Living in the moment in the moment is something I preach often, yet find it personally hard to maintain.  My mind begins to wander and think of things I don't have, things I want, things I need to do, bills I need to pay, etc. and I feel the weight push on my shoulders.  I've gotten much better at snapping myself back to the moment.  To the right now, knowing that tomorrow will come regardless and all that I worry or think about will still be there.  There is no need to run to it, but to take the moment I'm in and appreciate.  The rest is just "stuff" and it will all work out, just like it always does. When I live in the moment, I am happy for even if there is a problem I'm facing, I'm dealing with it and moving on.  I strive for peace and happiness and if I take that moment to think of how blessed I am, I have everything I could ever wish for.  I allow life to happen trusting in my ability to want only the best out of me and for me.  ...


Well as I sit here and write tonight, I have a lot to be thankful for.........Earlier today my daughter was involved in an accident, she called told me she was fine and I went to pick her up.  When I saw the car, my heart stopped.  She was on the freeway blew a tire and hit a cement barrier.  Her car looks horrible, yet she walked away with seat belt and airbag marks is all.  A coincidence?  Lucky?  Call it what you will, I call it a miracle.  Angels watched over her as she crossed three lanes of travel, spun, slammed the driver's side into a barrier, spun again and came to rest.  I thank the angels that were with her, I thank the two women that stopped to assist her and I thank God that as I write this it is with a heart of gratitude, rather than a heart of sorrow.  What have I learned?  Life is short!  You never know when it will be the last day you see someone you love.  Live it to the fullest.  Realize that the "stu...


What you sow you shall reap!!  I wrote about this in March......seems like it needs to be re-read!!!!!  Karma is inevitable, both good and bad.  Two things to remember:  1.  It happened for a reason...........either you failed to learn the lesson OR positive karma, you learned and YAY for you. 2. when karma comes calling in a negative way are you being open to the lesson in front of you and are you taking responsibility for your part?  If not, you will repeat this AGAIN. Do you want to end negative karma?  Start learning, instead of being selfish. The more negative thoughts, words and actions you use towards others and yourself, the more negativity will plague your life.  Stop and look at ONLY the positive, i.e. " I hate my job" - at least you have one, many don't.  " My spouse pisses me off" - but they love you.  You get the picture.  The more you choose to think about wanting something different/something mo...