This year will be filled with promises being kept.  Dreams being met and accomplishments abound.  For those that seek better within themselves and around them, allowing nothing more, that is what will surround them.   This is a year of hope a time to believe in what you deserve and a time to listen to what is inside.  This is the beginning for all that wish to believe and trust for this is the open time that you will feel and notice at a larger scale the things that are happening at high rate of speed.  This is a time to reflect and appreciate for this is the time for opportunity to change your thinking from doubt to knowing.  Knowing that what you desire is yours for the taking.  Listen inside and make sure you fill your desires from within; those are the ones that will be lasting and forever.  They are the ones that will allow prosperity and growth.  They are the ones that will guide you the rest of your years.  This huge openness that surrounds you now will be there again but not on this scale.  Do not waste this opportunity to recognize and believe. 


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