What you sow you shall reap!!!

What you sow, you shall reap!!

Are you a person that keeps their word?  Or do you allow distractions from other people and things?  Are you the type of person that makes decisions/choices from a place of ego and want rather than from your spirit and knowing right from wrong?  There are times in our lives when we make a promise or commitment to someone or something and at the time it feels right.  Along comes another person who offers us an even better opportunity and now we are torn, do we compromise or do we break our promise to the first offer immediately?  Well again I ask are you a person of your word?  Or are you a person that will fall for anything as long as you feel it will satisfy you?  True integrity is a huge character trait and one that is truly respected.

Integrity:  the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles. 
Moral:   relating to issues of right and wrong

Do you believe in Karma?  Let me tell you it is inevitable, every choice has a consequence, whether good or bad and in order to move forward in life we must experience these consequences and learn from them.  When we fail to learn or recognize them, we will continue to experience the pain. 

Life is nothing but a huge classroom.  There will be subjects we love and subjects we hate, but in order to reach graduation we will have to go through them all.  It is up to each and every one of us to embrace each subject, learn from it and move on to the next.   Otherwise you may be stuck in a subject for a very long time.

I have said for many years that all that we possess starts with one single thought. It is what creates and shapes our lives.  Allowing yourself to succumb to the ego will allow you pain, emptiness and sadness.  For your ego sees what glitters and what is really cool for the moment, your spirit sees what is the best and ever lasting.  Do you have the strength and the backbone to stand for who you are and not for what you believe others may want you to be?


If you sow strength, you will reap a backbone
If you sow compassion, you will reap friendship
If you sow humility, you will reap respect.
If you sow forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation within
If you sow integrity, you will reap inner/outer success
If you sow cruelty, you will reap pain
If you sow self indulgent, you will reap loneliness
If you sow insecurity, you will reap self doubt

Be the best you, you can be.  Think of others, be thankful and appreciative for those in your lives that build you up and be a person of your word.  It's time to get off the fence and stand for something!!!


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