Responsibility vs Procrastination

Have you ever felt smothered by responsibility?  Do you take a hard look at the responsibility in your life and find that most of the time the reason it is so overwhelming or even there in the first place is your doing?  Well I have these past few weeks, hence the reason I haven't posted a blog in so long.  But what I thought was responsibility I realize is my old friend procrastination here to visit me once again.  My father is coming to stay with me for a few weeks.  I haven't seen him in years.  I've known he was coming for a couple of months and each day I would tell myself I needed to start getting a bedroom ready for him.  I would cuddle up in my chair, grab the remote and promise myself I would start first thing tomorrow.  Tomorrow came and the same promise was made and broken.  I did this until I had two weeks left and wouldn't you know it, instead of preparing an empty room for him, I decided to rearrange the entire house.  What a job!!!!  I know by the time I am finished I will be happy for I have cleared out so much in my house, preparing it for the all the new wonders and treasures I will seek and find, but oh, what an overwhelming feeling. 

So, the question I asked myself why is it I put off so much, I've found that if I have a long time to accomplish something, I will move at a snails pace, however, when it comes down to crunch time, I work feverishly.  My back hurts, my legs ache and I can't wait to go to bed (all my doing).  It wouldn't be such a bad thing, I could even accept it, if for only one thing.  When I push myself like this, others pay the price, I become irritable, and touchy, everything upsets me and everyone pisses me off.  Thank God I realized this, because now I can stop it.  Everything will work out like it is suppose to and I will feel like I've accomplished something.  Therefore, I tell myself to take a deep breath do what I can today and tomorrow will be a new day with new accomplishments. 

I'm glad to be back and vow not to let my laziness cause me to procrastinate anymore (okay, let's be honest.......I'll try, but I think it is in my blood).  So instead I vow to continue to do what I love.......BLOG!!!!

Good night!


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