Is Your Meter Full?

Why are you special?  When you look in the mirror, do you think that is what makes you special?  When you get dressed in your finest clothes, do you think that is what makes you special?  When you drive your fancy car, do you think that makes you special?  When you walk through the doors where you work, do you think that makes you special? 

I believe it isn't any of the above!! 

What makes you special is your ability to feel.  Your desire to give and your ability to see yourself as a loving individual.  You are special because you are you.  When you drive your cool car, your ego feels special, but when you give of yourself to another; your soul soars beyond the clouds.  The feeling is quite different, one is self centered with a hint of arrogance while the other is freeing and addicting.  When you are you, it makes you elated to watch others happiness.  Whether you are a bystander or a contributor, you can feel their smile, their appreciation settle in your chest.  As you walk away, you carry the feeling and want to give more and more to keep that meter full.  When you feel sad, self-pity, or a little off, say something genuinely nice to someone (even a stranger), regardless of their reaction, you will begin to feel the meter move off of empty.  Once you feel this, continue to give of yourself to others and feel the meter go off the chart, to full capacity.  It will improve your mood as well as your outlook.

Remember always treat others as you would want to be treated.  Emerge yourself in giving, it is the greatest gift.  Remember a smile, a kind word or even your time may be the one thing that person needed.  You can touch so many and have many times over, even times you don't know about.  Life isn't about wordly possessions, life is about creating harmony.  Create it around you always, for every breath you take makes you special!


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