Why is it that I think and see you as far more worthy than you see yourself?  This is a question I have for many in my life, but currently it is for a very important young man.  Worthy is deserving.  And since you are a human being you are deserving of everything in life, regardless of who you are.  It is all about how we go about getting/receiving it.  The answer:  BELIEF. 

Your worthiness does not come from the outside, it comes only from the inside.  When you are truly listening to your soul and not your ego, you will be in alignment with what is right and life will grant you all you desire.  When you use your ego, life will bring you lessons. 

One big issue I see with so many is the need/want to "please" others.  The need becomes so intense, they lose sight of pleasing their soul.  This will make you divert so far from your path of goodness, it will make you wonder if you can get back, usually leading you into depression.  It can also eventually cloud your mind and judgment so much you believe you "owe" it to others, or they will like me more, or be my friend.  You essentially become a doormat, attracting people that "want" you to wipe their feet on (sorry for being so blunt).  We teach people how to treat us.  You have the God given right to have "your" needs and when someone/something is not understanding, respectful or supportive, you need to trust within and stand up for yourself.  This will ultimately make the other person change or move away from you.  As long as you are being true to you, either way is the right way. 

Remember you are the one that has to suffer the consequences for allowing outside influences to lead you astray, BUT you are also the one that gets to live in happiness when you stand strong to you.  After 46 years, I can tell you from experience that there were many "friends" that had their opinion of what I should do in my life and many times I followed their advice (against my own good judgment) because I didn't want them to be mad at me and I didn't want to disappoint them or have them judge me.  Let me tell you, I now see their opinions were self-serving.  They were able to put the spin on it that it was for me, they were looking out for "me", hmmmm, funny they are not in my life now, have no meaning to it.  The only thing they gave me, was a lesson, for I moved from my "desires" and replaced them with theirs.  I no longer do that and am now surrounded with people who support "me" regardless of my choice.  They may give me advice which I can now take and analyze, but I dictate how my life will go. 

Most people who allow others to influence their thinking, turn a blind eye to the "negative" influence.  I've even been told, I try to see the good in everyone.  While this is a great way of thinking, not everyone in our life is there for good.  Some are there too teach us a lesson, they will be unsupportive, jealous, envious, etc., in order for us to be able to recognize it and realize it is not supporting us in a healthy way.  It is our choice if we continue to allow it in our life (which means we will repeat the lessons over and over) until we have the strength to stand up for ourselves, believe we deserve better.

The young man that I mentioned is a spiritual number 11.  He is very spiritual and when he strays to the ego/material side of life, he is out of whack and life spins out of control.  So therefore I hope he continues to listen to his soul as it will lead him down the right path every time. 


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