Let's Manifest!

I'm starting a new manifestation today and thought I would share the process with all of you. 

First:  Take time to decide exactly what you want to manifest. Be sure to to think this through figuring out exactly what you want.  You can also include a time frame or just allow, the choice is yours.

REMINDER:  This can be ANYTHING from inner strength to a new car or a career.  Tomorrow we will verbalize our manifestation. 

Second step:  By now I hope you know exactly what you want.  It is very helpful to write it down.  My manifestation:  In the next two months I will be providing readings to friends and people I currently haven't met.  I will continue to do more and more readings for more and more people!!!!!!!

All doubts need to be removed from your mind and total belief needs to engulf your thoughts around your manifestation. 

Visualize yourself enjoying, living and loving your manifestation.  Keep your eyes and hearts open as your manifestation is taking form as we speak.

Are you excited!!!!!!! Yay us!!!

UPDATE!!  So far I have been providing a minimum of two readings a day, I am so looking forward to what is to come.  Have you been believing and allowing?


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