What a great topic and one regrettably I know first hand.  I have been judged and OH SO many times I have been the judge and the jury!!!  Sound familiar?  Have you ever been out somewhere and a complete stranger passes by, in your mind before they have even passed you, you have "judged" them on nothing more than appearance.  They need to lose weight, they need to dress better, or why is she with him, etc. 

Do you ever stop and ask yourself why?  Well for me, it's out of insecurity, jealousy and fear.  In society, we think we have to be the best and in order to be the best that means I have to be better than you and you and you.  However, is what makes us the best is to be "our" best.  The best you, you can be.  When you judge someone, it is a great opportunity to stop and see what it is in us that we fear.  When I judge it makes me feel superior (but only in my mind).  I have been misjudged so many times (karma?-perhaps) an opportunity for me to learn a lesson-(basically the same as karma). 

Judging hurts everyone.  It hinders your growth and ability to enrich your life, because it limits your interaction with others.  It makes you ignorant, you can't form an opinion if you know nothing about the subject. 

Today I ask all of you to make an effort to remove judgment from your mind and replace it with acceptance.  Acceptance that everyone is different, that everyone is human and has the same insecurities, fears, wants and desires as you to be the best they can be.  If we accepted more and judged less we would be able to help each other obtain this goal!!

I accept you for who you are, as I accept me for who I am!!! :)


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