
Once again I am humbled and touched by a young man.  A young man that currently struggling to make his life and himself better.  I applaud him.  He has opened himself up, sharing his fears and desires with me, searching for help.  I spent the evening providing input and giving him homework.  He reminds me how desperate we can get at times.  How lonely life can become when we allow it, but how by just reaching out to someone, your thought process can change and immediately the world looks brighter.  I am very blessed that there are those that reach out and trust me and I pray that I provide them with support and insight.

We discussed being "lonely".  There is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely.  We have all felt it.  It is such a disconnect, feeling as though you don't belong anywhere.  That no one gets you or really wants to get you.  This feeling can lead to such depression and sadness.  If you find yourself in this state of mind, find the courage to reach out, even to me (  This young man was courageous enough to be vulnerable and open up.  The conversation started dark and gloomy and ended on a very positive note for both of us.  So I'm here to remind everyone to reach out when in a "funk" and allow others to help you.  It was just as gratifying for me!!!  And I thank him for being honest and trusting. 

Remember, have faith and believe the rest will follow!


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