Selfish - concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others - Webster Dictionary.

Hmmm.............As I sit with my cup o coffee and I read the above definition, I realize how many words spawn from it.  When one becomes selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, etc., it is very easy to hurt others.  Very easy to use and discard people as though they are yesterday's garbage as my mother says.  Easy to lie and manipulate to get what they desire.  (OH HOW I DESPISE LIARS).  Easy to become a monster. 

I realize it is a natural instinct to take care of yourself and I will be the first to encourage others to take care of you first and foremost, HOWEVER, not at the expense of others.  You can be selfish with manners, compassion, and tact. 

Yes, I have been the victim as well as the perpetrator of selfishness and neither side is healthy when done with the ego.  Both cause pain, sorrow, hurt, and confusion.  There is no excuse in the world that I can think of to be mean to another, to ignore, to say cruel things, etc.  When I think of the times (and there are many) of when I did this to others and take responsibility for it, I realize I was scared, intimidated, jealous, my self esteem was in the gutter, etc.  and I became a bully.  To all of you that have felt my selfishness, I apologize from the bottom of my heart.  And while I know I'm sorry doesn't always cut it, I vow to change and continue to work on realizing my selfishness quickly and correct it.  For it makes me a better, healthier and stronger person.


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