Do you take responsibility for your actions and thoughts?  Or do you blame others?  For so long blaming someone or something else made my irresponsible choices easier to accept.  Things like, I was mean to her, because she was, said or did this, this, or that.  Funny how we figure if we blame someone else we are right and therefore our mean, cruel actions are justified.  Oh, how wrong we are!!!!  The failure to take responsibility for your own actions (or thoughts) is what will bring Karma around real quick. 

I'm here to tell you when you sit with yourself and analyze a situation/relationship and take the time to "own" everything that is yours, it will free you and make you grow.  Just like you I have blamed someone else for my sorrow, pain, anger, distrust, etc. and have felt it grow in my chest.  Others will listen and when I put my spin on it by blaming someone else, others seem to help me justify just how much of a victim I am.  EXCEPT, two people in my life.  These two seem to turn the mirror around and in a loving way make me look at myself and my role in the whole mess.  Once I take responsibility for my actions, I can actually see both sides.  I get it and it isn't such a big deal anymore.  I've said it before and I will continue to say it, look at those around you.  Do they encourage the behavior by siding with you or do they try to help you through the situation?  If you surround yourself with people who will always "side" with you, you need to "check" your friends and yourself.  It is healthy to have someone who challenges you.  Someone who loves you enough to have a different opinion. 

When you choose to shirk your responsibility you tend to run.  When you run, you usually seek shelter from those that will side with you and help "bad mouth" the other person.  When you stay and take responsibility for you, you usually find a solution and it goes away.  Nobody likes to admit when their wrong (especially me), but sometimes it is the healthiest thing you can do for you!

Today is the day to take responsibility!


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