I have a friend who is very dear to my heart and whom I love with every ounce of my being.  This ones for you!

Overwhelm has both a negative and a positive meaning.  One can be overwhelmed with joy or overwhelmed with fear, sadness, despair.  Usually when I hear the word overwhelmed it is followed by a negative noun. It is especially important during this time that we take time for ourselves.  Even if that means penciling in a bath every night. 

Life can be so over powering.  At times, feeling like it just sucks you in and you're just waiting for it to spit you out.  Feeling as though you just want to give up.  Like everyone and everything is two steps in front of you and you can't catch up.  Trying to please everyone around you, except yourself.  Trying so hard to be what you think others want you to be.  Trying your damnest to do what is right, but losing touch with what is right and what is wrong.  Feeling pulled in so many directions. Even when we sit with ourselves our mind is racing and the more it races the more out of control we feel.  This is a wonderful time for depression to rear its ugly head and join in your thoughts.  And 9 out of 10 times, it does just that.  At this point, we wonder if we will ever make it back to our "normal" state of mind.  We feel like it is just time to give up!!!!!!

 But the wonderful thing is: we create our lives and we have the power to change them for the better. 

The question I usually get is how do I change?  Well it is also a very easy answer and because of that I think people tend to think it won't work.  When you feel overwhelmed, it feels HUGE, so how can a little thing like changing my mind combat such a huge feeling?  The answer?  Changing your mind changes everything, big or small, so it is the answer to everything.  Sounds easy right?  Then how one asks?  I change my mind and snap everything changes and life is blissful again?  NO.  It doesn't work like that (hell how I wish it did).  You must believe first and foremost.  Believe that you are worth more than the hell you're living.  Realize it isn't working and move forward.  Change your mind and move your mouth.  Say no more to things that don't serve a valuable, useful, loving purpose in your life and yes to those things that make you happy.  Change your mind to take back your life.  Now this doesn't mean you turn into an ogre and ignore the world, it means taking care of you.  Hand off some of your responsibilities to others and once you hand them off, quietly say to yourself (Yay, one less thing on my plate, I'm doing this).  Realize there are things in life that no matter what you do are going to get in your way, get on your nerves, but they will pass and within a few hours or days, you won't even remember them.  Keep dishing off of your plate to others like your friends and families, until you have just enough to handle.  Your legs will feel stronger and your attitude better and then slowly you can add more, just remember to always unload when needed.  But you must move, staying in the same place brings more heartache.

The biggest key to successfully going from the negative meaning of overwhelmed to the positive......surrounding yourself with people who love you, support you and will always lift you up.  Listen to their praise and let it overwhelm your heart!!!!



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