Best Christmas Gift By Far!

Well Christmas came and went (thank god).  I watched as gifts were exchanged, thought put into some, the obligation of Christmas prompting others..  I sat and wondered isn't this what it's all about?  Giving?  Yet, as I opened another gift, it just seemed like something was missing.  That one "gift" that was given that didn't cost anything.  You know the one I'm talking about?  The one that comes straight from the heart the one that reminds you what Christmas is really about.  Giving of our heart.  The day was nearing an end and I had all but forgotten about Christmas, until I received a message.  It was from a dear person in my life who is currently fighting (strike that) working through change in her life.  The change included a key person in her life to not be there on this Christmas day.  I watched as she went through the day with a "numbness" about her, yet always with a smile for anyone that needed it.  I figured the holidays are tough enough as it is and if she can just hold on long enough it will be over.  Later in the day, she sent a message to the missing person, offering her love and support if needed.  You may ask yourself what's so great about that?  Well, it really made me stop and think.  Do you allow yourself to "love" regardless of the outcome?  Regardless of what others will think or say?  Do you allow others to love you?  NEVER can too many people love you.  Do you allow it?  Or do you put up walls and ignore the love and compassion that is being given?  Are you afraid to provide it to another?  For fear of rejection? Do you realize that love and compassion is a far better feeling than fear?  Do you love unconditionally?  She put her fears aside to provide a piece of her heart to another. Christmas is not about the presents, that we will eventually discard, but when the gift is a piece of your heart it will last forever.  I know she touched my heart----and it was the best Christmas gift by far!!!


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