Believing in Yourself

 It's not what you have went through that defines your character, it is how you handle yourself before, during and especially AFTER.  You can make the biggest mistake, error, wrong choice, hurting people along the way, being self-serving, (blah, blah, blah), it's all about seeing it and changing it within.  It is never too late to come back to you!

I was asked to write on the topic of Believing in Yourself.  What does it mean to me?  It means even in the toughest of times, you dig deep inside and believe you are worthy and deserving of all that is good in your life.  It is so easy to let others make us believe we are who they say we are.  But by doing this you give others YOUR power.  Have you ever been hurt by someone so deeply that you begin to doubt yourself?  This is the time when you must remain focused and true to yourself.  Surround yourself with people who believe in you, people who love you and bring out the good in you. 

There will be challenges in your life and you will be tested over and over.  It is up to you to believe that you have the courage (aha we talked about this earlier) to take the right steps in moving forward.  Take a minute to wallow, have a self pity party for yourself (nobody likes me, everybody hates me) sort of party......and then open the window in your mind and release the thoughts, for they serve no purpose in your life. 

Look at your past, how many times have you screwed up?  Walked away from your true self?  Well I know I have too many times to count.  I get that feeling, that one that makes you sad, the one that makes you beat yourself up and wonder if this is what I deserve, if this is my karma.  (we will talk about Karma in another post).  Know this, it is exactly what you deserve and need at the time, until you change your way of thinking.  We have to make mistakes in order to grow.  It's up to you if you look at what makes you feel this way and CHANGE.  Look around you, one of the biggest ways of moving from your true self and self believing is by whom we surround ourselves with.  Even though we don't like to think others make us who we are, it is so true.  Are you surrounded by people who hurt others by their words or actions?  Do they say things that  make you feel uncomfortable?  Do they do things that you know aren't right, but you do them anyway?  My advice?  RUN FAST AND FAR AWAY..  These people are part of your challenge.  You can overcome your challenge.  Surround yourself with people who believe in you.  Who put your happiness in front of their opinions. 

I have some of the greatest family and friends in the world, all who uplift me.  I am truly blessed.  Start today by believing you can have and deserve only the best in your life.  Move yourself to love inside and out!!!


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