An Automatic Writing

I have received emails for automatic writings and I want to thank those that have given me the trust and opportunity to write for you.  I have had others ask for more information.  I sat to do one for my daughter and knew that I was to share part of it with all of you. This is part of her writing.

December 23, 2011-Lonee
As I write the angels sing.  The harps play fast and feverishly.  The trumpets sound and the clouds part.  The awakening is you.  You are at the center.  You rise from a chair and your long brown hair flows to your waist.  You smile and reach out your hand.  As I write for you, you talk to me from above.  Your gentle ways calm the inner anxiousness that I feel.  You smile and the sun radiates behind you.  You speak to me:  I am fine for I am me.  I want for nothing but happiness and love for all I know.  As I am human I make human mistakes, but rest assure my soul is pure and follows righteousness.  I have never ending patience and everlasting love.  My human side:  I cry, I hurt, I love, I laugh.  My ego bruises easily, it is what keeps my soul alive and my heart beats stronger with every ounce of pain.  It is surrounded by light and therefore I seek love at all times.  I seek knowledge and shy from unneeded drama.  Yet I know that I cannot hide from everything and that my soul needs a taste of reality to assure its journey.  You need not walk in front of me for I am strong and pave my own path.  At times it is lonely for I tend to move past the material world.  I choose the spiritual path and often times find myself alone.  I take this time for reflection.  To all of those that have hurt me, I love you with every ounce of my being.  I forgive you and accept your pain.  You have helped me through the physical journey and send my soul soaring.  I struggle with my human side for times, it attracts the negative and this slows my progress but only for a moment and then once again my heart beats faster and seeks more and more who need and are attracted to the love I have to offer.  I am here and always awaiting that lost soul that needs even just my hand or my smile.  It is given freely.  My spiritual side:  is very dear and important to me.  It is something that can never be taken away and though times tainted never discouraged.  I am love I am good I am here for you!!  Allow me to embrace you........


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