12 (okay 11) days of Christmas

My daughter and I came up with a really cool concept for the 12 days of Christmas.  Sorry should have posted this yesterday, but no worries, it can be started any time during the year. 

Since this time of the year can be difficult, we decided we were going to start the 12 days of positive emotional sending Christmas.  Each morning when we get up we provide positive emotional thoughts to ourselves, each other and (we chose one other person).  So basically this is how it goes:

I wake up, take time to clear the cobwebs out of my mind.  Then I send through my mind and heart (I say it out loud with conviction/belief in my thoughts) something like:

To myself I express this positive gift.......(and then whatever positive thought I want to give myself).  example, yesterday:  That I will be healthy and happy.  (Haven't been feeling to well lately).  This changes everyday or it can be the same positive thought, whatever you want to express or feel that day!!!

To my sweet Lonee I express the positive gift of realizing her remarkable beauty inside and out.

To our third person:  I express the positive gift of  you feeling the deep, unconditional love being sent your way.

Lonee does the same thing one for her, one for me and one for the other person we chose. You can either do this alone, with another or with many.  There is one person out there (you know who you are) that we decided that this may be the only way to get our Christmas gift of love to them.

Throughout the day, we take time as often as possible, to think (even saying out loud if possible) the positive gifts again, believing them, expressing them until a smile comes to our face.  Do it as often as possible, I promise you, you will feel warm, happy and content.  The other person(s) will also feel it, if even because you cross their mind, something reminds you of them, etc.

At the end of the day, you can choose to share with each other the positive gift you were sending out.  Yesterday, was filled with positive thoughts and nothing bothered me, yet seemed to strengthen me. 

Remember someone is thinking and loving you right now, even if they are not right next to you!!!  Believe!
~Merry Christmas~


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