Self Judgment
Judgment comes from our experiences, from the way we view the world, comes from our "beliefs" that we have learned and ultimately hold as our truths. Wouldn't it be beautiful if we could release the judgment we hold in our heads, especially the judgment we place on ourselves. I've been traveling down a path that was carefully orchestrated just for me. I created it and when it became mundane or boring I added more. Picture a path in the middle of a beautiful open space. At the beginning it starts just like the yellow brick road in "The Wizard of Oz" (I relate to the lion.....another blog :) ). It is beautiful, big, and seems to go on forever. There are portions of the road when I look further down the road where it seems to vanish (I know now those are the dips in my journey). I can see a beautiful light, rainbow (I love rainbows.....they are magical) and the beauty from the light helps me continue. I made sure the light came...