
Showing posts from November, 2018

Mercury in Retrograde

Are you ready?  Exactly what is it and how do you prepare to move through November 16-December 6.  First I'm not an astrologer however, I know that when Mercury is in Retrograde, things seem to get all screwed up.  Mercury is the fastest planet and during this time it orbits faster than the earth and seems to be going backwards.  You may find that you will experience more doubt, uncertainty, don't get married during this time, don't sign important documents, not even a handshake.  Instead, release.....release negative beliefs, thoughts, patterns, people, etc from your life.  Clean out your closets (literally).  This is a perfect time for self-reflection and relaxing.   Here is a quick overview of what each sign may encounter: Sagittarius-issues with getting where you want to go-this period you may see issues with your mode of transportation.  Have a back up plan Capricorn-you may find yourself struggling with control.  You wi...


Today is a very powerful manifestation is 11/11/11 +(2+0+1+8).   11 is a Master Number, one which defines creation, authentic expression, and quick manifestation.  Have you been noticing this number show up in your life?  On a clock, license plate, lottery ticket?  It shows up to remind you that what you truly want is waiting for you and today is extra special.   Manifesting is more than just wishing on a star and walking away.  Manifesting takes focus and belief.  Right now, energy around us is shifting, in the next couple of months as we prepare for the new year, is an opportune time to focus what you want for the next year and prepare yourself to receive it. Be ready to watch as people in your life exit, which makes room for the new to come in.  As with most things in life, change is hard, scary and uncomfortable for us.  But with this energy shift, change is inevitable, so why not prepare and get what you want with...


This seemed like an appropriate topic, since we are in the middle of the "Day of the Dead".   Who is part of your tribe?  It is usually made up of a group (or a few) people who seem to "get" you, you click regardless of life style, opinions, or views.  The souls that you can go days, months, years without speaking to and once you re-connect, it's as though there was never any time or space between you.   Some, however, are fooled by the terms "best-friend", "family", "PIC", etc.  When I was younger, I had a best friend, the best in the world if you ask me, the two of us were inseparable. My best friend betrayed me in a way that  to  this day I still struggle with if I'm not careful.   I knew for years (really right from the start) that she wasn't there for me, but for herself still I held tight to the fact I had "a person".  As all of you know, when in junior high, high school, this was very important.  I even...