
Showing posts from May, 2015


Is over.  The past is not where we exist, therefore step from it and into the now. Living in the past keeps us stuck and missing out on what is going on in front of us right now.  The past is a great teacher of what we don't want and what we do want, but it isn't a place to stay for long.   Use the past as a reference manual, visit it when you need to figure out a problem in the present.  Problems in our lives become bigger due to emotions and when we are adding emotions from the past we are deliberately making the present even harder.  Look at your past for answers, what were you feeling at the time that made you react or choose the way you did?  What were you lacking inside that you wish you would have known that would have made the past situation different..........better.  Acknowledge that you now have the answer and then close the book.  We continue to make the same mistakes because we use the past to beat ourselves down.  We dwell t...


We all create our own reality!!  Even though at times, it seems as those you are living life for someone else or for someone else, you have created EVERYTHING you live and experience.  Often we allow society, religion, friends and family's viewpoints to become ours, believing they know what is better for us.  And so many times, we find they were wrong, maybe not for them and their journey, but not for you.  Yet, we do it over and over.  REMEMBER, no one else creates your reality, but they can shape and change your perception and then you live how somebody else views reality from their experiences, NEVER WORKS. As long as you continue to make poor choices, it doesn't matter who is in your life (you can change the participants), you will always get the same results.  So how do you change your mind and make different choices that are the best for you?????  First, stop trying to please will always please others at your expense AND...