So, let's say there is a girl and boy and they talk on the phone, text each other, and periodically see each other. The girl is crazy for the boy, but unsure whether the boy feels the same way. The girl continues to check her phone, anxiously awaiting a text, call or voice mail. With the ding of her phone, she flips the phone over and reads the five or six word text from the boy and her heart is all a flutter. She waits for another, knowing that it will be later, if she's really lucky it might be a telephone call. This goes on day after day, every now and again she throws her own text his way, hoping to spark something more, but to no avail!! For you see she has given him the message that the way things are going are just fine with her. For all he knows, this is all she wants from him. But you see this girl feels stuck and she would like to the see the relationship move into a more committed place. She confides in her friends that she w...