"MY" View on the Afterlife
In recent weeks, I have discussed spirituality with dozens of people. I find it amazing that so many say the same thing, "I want to believe, but I don't know what or where to begin". So, I usually give them my ideas and the way spirituality/the afterlife resonates with me. Please keep in mind, this is MY opinion, my thoughts and my vision of what the afterlife and spirituality is all about. Some of my views may spark something inside of you and some may have you thinking I'm crazy, however they work for me, and allow me to realize life isn't that hard. I hope you find some peace or something that helps you to begin to believe if you don't already. Believing in something is a choice, one that I made to help me figure out it's okay to make mistakes, you won't burn in hell. You might live in hell for awhile, but you won't be destined to live in it. I believe that life (each and every one-YES, I believe in reincarnation) is something we c...