
Showing posts from August, 2013


Do YOU believe in YOU?  Or do you find yourself believing in what other's think of you?  Finding that you have taken other's opinions and defined yourself.  Do you believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to?  Do you realize that you limit yourself when you put your self worth in the hands of others? How much do you care what other's think?  Do you wear the right clothes?  Drive the right car?  Have the right job?  Make enough money?  Are you the right height? The right age? The right weight?  Do you know that other's opinions of you stifle you instead of fulfill you?  Do you realize that when you place emphasis in your life on what other's think, you freely give your power away?  How do you take it back?  How do you own who you are?  SELF LOVE, SELF BELIEF, AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.  Your happiness and sadness are not because of others, they are because of you.  You see whe...


Do you know the more you treat people badly, the more negative Karma you develop?  I stand amazed at how so many people continue to mistake one's kindness for entitlement.  The more you take without giving back the less you have.  This will continue until you have NOTHING. The more self indulged you become the easier it is to take other's for granted and live an egotistical, self-fulfilling life.  I promise you your negative behavior continues to reap negative results.    LEARN TO GIVE RESPECT!!!!!!