Tomorrow, my beautiful daughter turns 22. Where did time go? She is in her last year of college and while she patiently attends each day of school, I see the anticipation of putting all of her wisdom to use. SHE WILL CLIMB MOUNTAINS AND TOUCH SO MANY. I don't have time to think of the past for I am happily watching as her life unfolds exactly as she wants it to. I am very appreciative and thankful for Krissy, my beautiful, wonderful, extraordinary friend that is guiding Lonee and I through another transformation in life. I eagerly look forward to our time together as the three of us learn and grow into exactly what we desire. I have said in previous blogs and I will say it again, keep your heart pure, open and ready to receive. Check the hidden nooks and crannies inside for that is where doubt, fear, and ugliness can hide. Clear it out and remain positive and loving, for what is coming your way you created. I choose to have ...