Death...................One guarantee in life for all of us! A subject I have been intrigued by as long as I can remember. I remember fearing death for others when I was young, as I didn't believe that it happened until you were you older. I was 21 when I attended the first funeral that I actually remember understanding the entire concept. I felt very detached for some reason, yet very involved. Not sure how long I should mourn, if I was doing it correctly, so I watched others. Funny, it seemed like after the first funeral, many more followed. I attended religious funerals, traditional, non-traditional, funerals for people dying of old age, traffic accidents, but it was suicide that really grabbed my attention. I began to see death in a whole new light. I don't fear death. I don't wish for it any time soon as I have a lot of things I still need to do, but the inevitable does not occupy my mind. As I write this, a dear fr...