
Showing posts from October, 2018

Are you ready?

To dream and receive?  I'm watching the amazement of dreams being acknowledged, spoken, believed in and materialize, all while the dreamer ;) stands in awe at what they are able to do in their life with focus and desire in their heart.   I watched today as someone who was lost yesterday received news she never expected!! Congratulations, officer :).  The story is extraordinary as she quickly got out of her way, after hours of intense mirror work from a good friend (wink, wink) and allowed all of it to settle in her brain.  She went to bed, woke up, emailed me at 1:29 a.m. (really?) about a dream she just had.  At 3:44 a.m. I received another email, a blog from my blog (why? I have no idea, I've never received them before) titled YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL (check it out...I wrote it June 2015).  At 6:26 a.m. another from her asking what if...?  In a nutshell her emails asked questions, the blog answered them.  We immediately got in contact with ea...